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What Exactly Does a Probate Lawyer Do?

December 19, 2021

It can be difficult to plan out your estate, and it's equally difficult to handle the distribution of an estate following the death of a loved one. As much as the passing of an individual is a personal matter, the settling of their estate must comply with state laws, as well as their will. It can be difficult for individuals to accomplish this on their own, even if they were designated as the executors of the will involved. This is why many hire probate lawyers to help them handle these issues. But much remains unknown about probate lawyers, and what exactly they offer to clients. Let's find out more below.

What Does a Probate Lawyer Do?

The job of a probate lawyer is to work with the executors of estates, as well as the beneficiaries, to ensure that the deceased individual's affairs are properly settled. There are situations in which probate, which typically costs 3% to 7% of the estate's total value according to Investopedia.com, is not necessary. This is usually when the deceased individual places their assets in a trust. Usually, a trust makes the process a bit smoother. But many people do not see a trust as a necessity, which is why a probate lawyer steps in.

A probate lawyer is essentially a resource for the executor and the beneficiaries and can help them collect proceeds from life insurance policies, identify and secure assets, obtain property appraisals, pay off bills and debts, and much more. Tax issues can also fall under a probate lawyer's realm of knowledge, as well as the decedent's checking account management. Many of the assets that a decedent possessed can be difficult to legally access without the assistance of a probate lawyer. A probate lawyer can also ensure that assets are transferred to the proper beneficiaries, provided that all taxes and bills have been paid.

Can I Do This Without a Probate Lawyer?

While some processes can potentially be executed without a probate lawyer, it's often not advisable to do so. You may end up paying more than you would need to otherwise when settling debts and tax issues. Additionally, many beneficiaries are emotionally overwhelmed following the death of a loved one. A probate lawyer is a professional presence, and can ensure that these matters are resolved as they should be, quickly and efficiently.

If you have additional questions about the role of a probate lawyer, reach out to Limbaugh Law Firm. Our experts will be happy to provide you with more information!

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